That’s why we’re switching from virgin plastic to 100% recycled plastic for our curvy carafe bottles.* By using plastic that already exists, we decrease our demand for new plastic. This is called “circularity,” where waste is reduced by reusing what already exists.
*Does not include plastic cap or sleeve.

Compared to using virgin plastic, using recycled plastic can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 19%1 and cut energy use in half .2

“Exploring Comparative Energy and Environmental Benefits of Virgin, Recycled, and Bio-Derived PET bottles.” ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 6(8), 9725–9733.
“Life Cycle Impacts for Postconsumer Recycled Resins: PET, HDPE, and PP.” December, 2018.
Based on a comparison of our packaging before and after lightweighting, details available in 2022 Sustainability Report
This forward-looking statement is based on the forecasted 2024 reduction in total miles traveled between our manufacturing facility and supplier during that period.